A downloadable game for Windows

Turn based game made with awesome CodeMonkey's course: https://www.gamedev.tv/p/unity-turn-based-strategy

The game is in version 1.2!

In this game player must complete given missions (i.e. Find and collect a specific item, capture an enemy without killing him, etc.). The game is turn-based, you can choose from several actions, but you have limited action points. Then it's time for the Enemy's turn.

I still improve the game, after I finished the course. I keep adding new features and assets. The course included only basic game mechanics. 

Most of the assets (graphics, models, audio) are from public domain, some made by myself.

Find game source code on Github: https://github.com/Ajver/Turner


Turner - Windows edition 38 MB

Install instructions

1. Download game ZIP

2. Unpack the ZIP file anywhere (i.e. on Desktop)

3. Run the Turner.exe file and enjoy!

Development log

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